Monday, March 29, 2010

Embed Picasa Web Album with VB.NET and XSL

First, drop this code in the HEAD of your .aspx page:

NOTE: Change the URL on line #8 to match the url to your Picasa RSS Feed

<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml.Xsl" %>

Drop this in the BODY of your .aspx page:

Finally, create a .xsl file called feed_style.xsl. Save the following in it:

  • Tuesday, March 16, 2010

    My New Syntax Highlighter

    I'd like to thank Jon Williams for his contribution, Blogger Code Syntax Highlighter.

    Finally, I am beyond doing find/replaces to make my blog code readable. Here is a demo:

    • Test

    Monday, March 8, 2010

    Facebook Application AJAX/ PHP form submittal

    How to create a Facebook Application in a Tab on your Facebook Fan Page

    NOTE: Facebook is ever evolving. Check the Facebook Developer's Roadmap for timelines and changes.

    • 1. Create your Facebook profile page.

    • 2. Log in to your profile.

    • 3. Applications will not (currently) work in Tabs on Standard User Profiles. So, you must create a Facebook Fan Page - otherwise known as a business or organization page.

    • 4. Read Get Started

    • 5. Create an App with the Facebook Developer's App

      • Use the following settings:

      • BASIC: Application Name: My Application (or whatever you want)

      • AUTHENTICATION: Installable to: Facebook Pages (IMPORTANT)

      • PROFILES: Tab Name: My App (or whatever you want)

      • PROFILES: Tab URL: MyApp (IMPORTANT:this points to your folder /facebook/myApp/)

      • CANVAS: Canvas Page URL: MyAppPage (or whatever you want)

      • CANVAS: Canvas Callback URL: (IMPORTANT: this points to your /facebook/ folder )

      • CANVAS: Render Method: FBML (IMPORTANT: facebook markup language)

    • 6. Create a folder on your personal web server called /facebook/.

    • 7. Create another folder under /facebook/ called myApp

    • 8. Create two files under /facebook/myApp/ called index.php and test.php.
      NOTE: you can use on a windows server, or some other server-side language if you prefer.... which I do, but am not going to show you for the sake of making this less complicated than it needs to be.

    • 9.

      The Code


    Welcome <fb:name uid="<?=$user_id?>" useyou="true"/>
    <div width='100%' height='150px;'>
    <img style='float:left; margin: 0 25px 0 15px;' src='' />
    <a href='#' onclick='static_link("resultsDiv",0);' >
    List all categories

    <div id="searchDiv">
    <form id='myform' >
    <input type='text' id='keyword' name='keyword' />
    <input type='button' value='Search' onclick='do_ajax("resultsDiv",0);' />

    <div id="resultsDiv">

    <fb:js-string var="loading">Loading....</fb:js-string>
    <fb:js-string var="noresults">Sorry, there were not results!</fb:js-string>
    <fb:js-string var="externalresults"><!--<fb:iframe width="540" height="270" frameborder='0' src='http://your.other.iframe.location' />--></fb:js-string>

    <script type="text/javascript">

    function do_ajax(div,val) {
    var ajax = new Ajax();
    ajax.responseType = Ajax.FBML;
    ajax.ondone = function(data) {
    var params={"adkeyword":document.getElementById('keyword').getValue(),"category":document.getElementById('keyword').getValue()}; //add parameters as comma separated "param":value'<?=$callbackurl?>?ctgry='+val,params); //GET values sended with "val" and POST values sended with "params"

    function static_link(div,val) {
    var ajax = new Ajax();
    ajax.responseType = Ajax.FBML;
    ajax.ondone = function(data) {
    var params={"action":"catlist","adkeyword":"categorylist"}; //add parameters as comma separated "param":value'<?=$callbackurl?>?all='+val,params); //GET values sended with "val" and POST values sended with "params"




    if (isset($_REQUEST['ctgry'])){
    $sourcecode = file_get_contents($url.'?category='.$_REQUEST['category'].'&adkeyword='.$_REQUEST['adkeyword'].'');
    preg_match_all("/\<a href\=\".*\<\/a\>/iU", $sourcecode, $temparray);
    foreach( $temparray as $key => $item) // temparray is an array inside of an array, so I did two foreach statements to spit out all the values
    foreach( $item as $i => $itemurl)
    $itemurl = preg_replace('/href\=\"/iU', 'href="'.$url.'', $itemurl);
    echo $itemurl.'<br/>';
    if ($count<1) {
    echo "Sorry, no results found!";

    if (isset($_REQUEST['all'])){
    $fetch_url = "?action=".$_REQUEST['action']."&adkeyword=".$_REQUEST['adkeyword'];
    $sourcecode = file_get_contents($url."".$fetch_url);
    $sourcecode = preg_replace('/href\=\"/iU','onclick="link_clicked(this.getHref);" href="'.$url."",$sourcecode);
    echo $sourcecode;